
Archive for May, 2013|Monthly archive page

Share and Share Alike

In Tech in Easy Speak on May 20, 2013 at 3:21 am

A  big problem is in working with other people who aren’t necessarily at your location. That means sending copies back and forth email then waiting for the other person to send it back so you can see any changes to it.

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Googledocs is a solution for that. It is an online storage for files (but frankly the storage leaves a lot to be desired) Where Googledocs does have it’s use is collaborative work. I can open a document at the same time as some one else and see what changes they are making in real time. It makes the time to finishing much shorter.

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What Next Tele-Transfer?

In Tech in Easy Speak on May 19, 2013 at 10:30 pm

I was watching an episode of the show ‘The Big Bang Theory’. Sheldon Kooper, the leading character was talking about the future of tele-transfer of humans over communication modes. He said it would not be an actual transfer of the person, but rather, destruction of the person at one end and totally recreating him on the other end of the communication.

Looking bciruit-boardack at the tremendous growth of email and social communication media in the past 15 years, I would not be surprised if someone does comes up with tele-transfer. I can’t imagine it would be healthy though. They’ve already started to show that EMF waves from wireless does affect the body. I wonder what a total scramble would do.  🙂

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Linking In

In Tech in Easy Speak on May 9, 2013 at 2:28 am

In 2009 my friend was touring the Netherlands with his girlfriend who was a journalist. He said it was amazing how illiterate he felt when it came to using these tools of social networking. She already had a Linkedin account, had created her own brand on it and was linking with every other person she met in the Netherlands. Before that experience he was always under the impression online networking was a highly unprofessional method to promote yourself.

Even through the cataclysmic shock of theft of millions of its encrypted passwords in 2012 Linkedin has become a beloved platform of professionals. Curiously enough, I recently found out the Netherlands have the highest per capita adoption rate of Linkedin – next to the United States. Currently every single minute around the clock two new users are added to the Linkedin network. That’s enormous growth for a social networking site, especially for one primarily based on services in the field of professional qualifications. Read the rest of this entry »